Live Graveside

On October 26, 2019, nine local actors portrayed historical figures in front of live audiences at the Placerville Union Cemetery for the inaugural Save the Graves Living History Tour. Below you will find links to videos of each presentation produced by Charlie Basham and New Vantage Productions 

Mollie Carpenter
1866 – 1923
Editor and Publisher

One of a very small band of pioneer female journalists who eventually became editor and publisher…

William Craddock

1859 – 1920


A blacksmith and a teamster who hit pay dirt and took home a 37 pound gold nugget. His Vulture Claim is now… 

Carlo Celio 1833 – 1918         

Maria Celio 1832 – 1890

Pioneer Dairy Farmers

Two Swiss immigrants who were dairy farmers, loggers, and town owners. The very roots of a pioneer… 

Christina Reeg Bayne Duffy

1871 – 1956

Business Owner

One of the first female business owners on Main Street in Placerville and a descendant of an… 

Frank P. Fausel

1881 – 1903


A miner when an underground tragedy struck him down just a few days before his 23rd birthday…

Jesse Christian Henningson

1876 – 1952

Miner and Entrepreneur

Came from Germany and then worked tirelessly as a successful trucker, lumber mill worker, and miner… 

Johanna Pinther Kane
1861 – 1938

Led America’s first Suffragette march a century ago, which fueled a movement leading to the passage… 

John A. Raffetto

1864 – 1954

Banker, Businessman, Hotelier

A pioneering businessman and local banker. You may have even stayed in one of his hotels, among them the…